Google Calendar Handbook

How to add a Google Maps route as an Event in Google Calendar?

Now you can integrate Google Map and Google Calendar easily and track which event takes place at what time and location. These steps will help you understand better about the integration :

  1. Login to your Google Map and Google Calendar with same email account.

  2. Google Map will automatically track the invitations and events where the dates are mentioned.

  3. To add the event location manually, Click on the event.

  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the event details.

  5. In the location section, type in your location or you can copy and paste location link from Google Maps.


  1. Save the changes.

  2. You can see the added events in the map by clicking on the three lines.

  3. Tap on ‘My Places’ and scroll to the tab named ‘Upcoming Events’. All the list of the events with their specific places will be there.


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