Appointment Scheduling Handbook

Vyte Vs. Calendly

Calendly is definitely more popular than Vyte and the prime reason behind this is that Calendly supports a wide range of integrations that are not found in vyte. However, Vyte has the voting poll feature that is missing in Calendly. This is because Calendly focuses on appointment booking features whereas Vyte concentrates on meeting scheduling features.

Voting Poll options in Vyte scheduling app

Vyte also has embed code option, in which case it can be used as an appointment booking software as well. Vyte also allows counterparts to offer time slots whereas Calendly is renowned for coordinating across time zones. Cadendly also allows to generate different meeting URLs which enhances the security of the online conferences.

One advantage of Vyte over Calendly is that Vyte automatically adds all the meetings to the invitees calendar along with sending email confirmation messages. Vyte also claims to have better customization but that is arguable because Calendly also allows optimal personalisation of its embeded widget and API.

meeting scheduling options in Calendly scheduling app

All in all, Vyte is a good alternative to Calendly but cannot be considered superior. However, if you are willing to experiment it is wise to use test both platforms and decide whichever suits you best. Vyte start with a paid version of 6$ per user/month following a 14 days free trial besides a free plan that covers most of the features. Calendly has a Basic free version and its paid version starts at 8$ per user/month.

You can add Calendly to your website even on the free version but the color customization features are limited to the Pro subscription. With Vyte you can approach full customization and custom branding in the Enterprise subscription.

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