Appointment Scheduling Handbook

What tools are there for group scheduling? (eg. Calendly)

The digital revolution has made it possible to run businesses internationally from the comfort of your living room couch with just an internet connection. These digital interfaces are an elixir for businesses of all sizes and types, especially the ones that allow you to conduct virtual meetings, mitigating the cost and time required for an offline conference.

Some of the best tools for group scheduling a meeting are HubSpot Meetings, Doodle, and Pick a Meeting and Genee apart from Calendly. Calendly is a fine tool with a smooth user interface if your priority is integrating it with your existing software. However, with a premium version, Calendly allows customization and better assistance.

People scheduling meetings with pen and paper

HubSpot Meetings are superior in the way it merges with office 365 and mitigates the wasted time on emails. It allows members to align meeting schedules by letting them access to view your availability. What’s more, a premium account permits adding your calendar to your website.

Doodle employs voting to poll to view the most suitable time slots for all. It also lets you showcase your calendar through a URL and allows people to request meetings. Besides, a premium account comes with royalties such as end-to-end encryption and calendar integration.

Pick is an efficiently automated service that compares all members’ calendars and suggests a suitable time slot. It then sends an email invite once the meeting is confirmed.

Genee now aquired by microsoft, is compatible with Gmail, iCloud, and office 365 and uses emails to request meetings by providing several time slots to select the most favorable. It further updates the confirmed time slot on your calendar.